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  • Our story

"Almost 10 years ago, I was planting my first tree in Clearwater, BC. Since then, I returned every spring and took part in what I call my new tree planting lifestyle. I traveled to some of the most amazing corners of Canada while planting more than 800,000 trees in the Rocky Mountains, Northern BC and Vancouver Island. It has been very challenging, but in the end, it’s far rewarding."

  • Giving back

"Create Forest Apparel is born out of nostalgia (from missing the tree planting lifestyle!) and with the desire to reconnect with the tree planting and outdoor community. With Create Forest Apparel being 100% made in Canada, we can continue planting trees, while supporting other local entrepreneurs and putting a priority on giving back to our country."

- Mat Caissy, Create Forest co-founder

  • Shop Create Forest & plant trees